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项目类别:酒店设计  度假酒店 项目地点:重庆  渝中 主设计师:林经锐 参与设计师:王坤辉,温馨,卢百舸,吴文权 设计单位:寻常设计 项目面积:4300㎡ 主要材料:石材 大理石 金属 金属线网 钢 混凝土 玻璃 幕墙 业主:重庆山鬼Mont Mirage 摄影师:Tim Wu, 赵奕龙 ,盒子传媒

The backyard on the north side is a natural poetic space. The ivy and the brick on the old wall are traces of history. When the sun shines through the leaves, the mottled light and shadow is the wealth given by the years and nature. We want to preserve the uniqueness of this space.
▲后院建筑立面 ©Usual Studio

▲厂房楼梯间 ©Tim Wu


We consider “light” as an indispensable design material, including natural light or artificial light.The right design allow the light and shadow to be more than functional, and to create the pleasure of the spirit. For example, the lighting patio of the Atrium Court and the roof skylight of the auditorium not only complements the lighting, but the slender and orderly geometry also outlines the abstract light and shadow matrix, leading the desire longing for stars exploration.

▲中庭休息区 ©Yilong Zhao

▲多功能礼堂 ©Tim Wu

▲多功能礼堂 ©Yilong Zhao


We define the hotel as a miniature landscape city. Guests can take a leisurely walk between the lobby and the courtyard, and stay in the art hall to experience the mixture light and shadow. Lights are on when the night falls, guests get a city night view while swimming in the superb rooftop pool.
▲天际酒吧 ©Yilong Zhao

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