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大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful


项目类别:办公空间  对外-服务型 项目地点:台湾  其他 主设计师:余杰茂 项目经理:KATTY 参与设计师:KATTY/VICTOR/ 设计单位:_京悅室內裝修設計工程有限公司|真水空間建築設計居研所 项目面积:2937/米平方公尺 投资总额:285000 主要材料:鋼烤玻璃/鐵件/木紋/大理石/不鏽鋼/人造石/杉木/鍛鐵 业主:leedo 摄影师:JACK

大道恆美 The Virtuous Way is Forever Beautiful

The Virtuous Way
This design begins with the room’s center, applying circular imagery that extends outwardly towards the four corners, as if folding its hands and bowing, each layer distinct – a design founded on Buddhist concepts of the Middle Way and treating customers with the utmost respect. For meetings, the central area uses a cylindrical grate theme constructed from metal pipes. The pipes’ bases are fitted with lighting to create a light-screen atmosphere, and in-line staggering of thinness and density create a harmony between the table and the surrounding walls. Walking through the structure, light, shadow, and objects mutually overlap, creating a subtle sense of visual penetration, and a calm, graceful figure, revealing the integrated LED wall washer lights that emit a gentle, progressive halo, placed above and below the framework, made further dazzling by contrast shading.

The Virtuous Way
This design begins with the room’s center, applying circular imagery that extends outwardly towards the four corners, as if folding its hands and bowing, each layer distinct – a design founded on Buddhist concepts of the Middle Way and treating customers with the utmost respect. For meetings, the central area uses a cylindrical grate theme constructed from metal pipes. The pipes’ bases are fitted with lighting to create a light-screen atmosphere, and in-line staggering of thinness and density create a harmony between the table and the surrounding walls. Walking through the structure, light, shadow, and objects mutually overlap, creating a subtle sense of visual penetration, and a calm, graceful figure, revealing the integrated LED wall washer lights that emit a gentle, progressive halo, placed above and below the framework, made further dazzling by contrast shading.


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