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溫潤之珠 H-HOTEL


项目类别:酒店设计  精品酒店 项目地点:台湾  其他 主设计师:楊煥生&郭士豪 主要材料:大理石、線板、造型裱布、木皮噴漆

1. 步入客房裡映入眼簾的即為一盞以典雅鐵件為骨架搭配黑色珍珠及白色珍珠吊燈,天花板上的燈光是整個客房層裡最醒目的燈源,營造出非現實的疏離感與比例感,卻已是進出房門時,所有造型與顏色的伸展舞台,吊在挑高的臥室天花板,圓形天花及圓形桌搭配這盞吊燈,展現出一種華麗典雅感,藉由地毯圖騰連結延伸浴室牆面圖騰,空間視覺串聯於全室,同時也塑造出豐富的空間變化。
2. 拆解東西方經典元素,並給予嶄新詮釋。整間房間主題色為白色、灰色及黑色給人低調華麗感而入口電視牆以白色大理石延續至浴室大面牆呈現出潑墨畫般的氛圍宣示豐富層次的主題。在浴室門框上加入了東方元素圓形圖騰窗簾,中央區塊茶几運用虛實鏤空圓矮几作為造型和上方圓形天花相互輝映,透過環圍的沙發區加以框圍,在視覺上出現完整起居區。
1. Walk into the guest room that is an elegant piece of iron skeleton with a black and white pearl chandelier, lights of ceiling is the most striking lamp source. It creates a non-realistic sense of alienation and sense of proportion which is already the catwalk for the decorations and colors. It is hanging on the high-ceilinged bedroom ceiling; round ceiling and round table are matched with a chandelier, showing a gorgeous and elegant sense.
The totem of the carpet links to the totem of bathroom and the visual effects extends and connects the whole room. At the same time, it also creates a abundant variation for the space.
2. Dismantles the classic elements of western and eastern and gives it a brand new interpretation. The theme color for the whole room is white, gray and black. It gives a low-key and gorgeous sense. Through the entrance, the TV is on wall which is use the white marble
extending to the mass wall of the bathroom. The theme is as splash-ink painting-like atmosphere to show rich hierarchy. Add the round Oriental elements round Totem curtains in the bathroom; the central block tea table is the circular shape which matches the above ceilings. As the visual sight, it shows the fully living area from the surrounded encircled sofa area.

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