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项目类别:餐饮空间  水吧 项目地点:台湾  其他 主设计师:王丽慧 设计单位:璟滕设计工程有限公司 项目面积:50坪

宛如行于瑰丽的梦境中,先被艳照的群彩与辉芒吸进此地,而后,被天地壁里,既浓稠又具反射的光泽镜体拉得更远且深,越过了时空线区,直趋微醺的国度,空间中,高密度的物质表列磋磨身心,松弛疲态。三d式宇宙幻彩覆颠如灿烂烟花绽开天空,而后殒落在地表上,成为了一列一 柱,林立于空间用以分割,走位,憩息,或被恋栈。作为集合住宅的公共空间之一的Lounge Bar,一个得以深潜的休憩场域,设计师给了住户们,一处瞬间移转便至九霄尘外的幻色空间。

[Bright Color Jungle ]

As if traveling in an amazing technicolor dream, you are fist attracted to it by all the bright colors and rays. Then, you are further drawn into it by the rich and reflective mirrors in the ceiling, floor, and cabinets. Beyond this zone, you step into a world that makes you feel tipsy. Here, the application of high-density materials helps release fatigue. In the 3D universe, multiple colors display in the sky and fade into the ground like splendid fireworks; then they become columns in the space to divide the space and create traffic flow for people to either rest or linger. Lounge Bar, as one of the public spaces in the multifamily residential unit, is a resting area that allows people to get away from daily life. The designer would like to give all the residents a place where they may transmit themselves into a fantasy world instantly, away from earth.

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