项目类别:办公空间 对外-服务型 项目地点:云南 昆明 主设计师:胡彦云 设计单位:艺寻阑珊环境艺术设计中心 项目面积:180 投资总额:35 主要材料:金属、石材、木材
Life is a kind of experience.
There are two kinds of people who have rich experiences. Oneprefers addition, this kind of people have childlike innocence and great attachment to objects. Each of their collection stands for a memory and a mood.The more the collection they have, the more fulfilling and productive life they live. The other one prefers subtraction, with the increase of experience, they become more gentle to people, but stricter to themselves. Knowledge, principles and tastes, all have established stable and clear boundaries through the years.
Yu Xun’LS为空间赋予了一种独特的性格,不媚俗的勇气,冷调的优雅,无需炫耀的自信。平凡中的非凡,举重若轻。
In this project, Yu Xun’LS gives unique characters to thespace, boldness which is not gaudy, cold elegance , and low-key confidence . Itis an ordinary project with extraordinary design.