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翻阅水的流动 细读水的诗篇【甲山林水立方】


项目类别:酒店设计  酒店公寓 项目地点:台湾  台北 主设计师:POSAMO 十邑设计-王胜正


Standing on a ladder, the artist carefully hammers the details of the bronze ceiling with a raised head. The bronze ceiling is the first view when encountering The Crystal Palace of Jay San Lyn, with water flowing along the angled corner and dripping down, coagulating into glittering clear ice crystals that are reflected onto the ground. With the sun gradually setting, the dusk lingers in the surrounding space, transforming into two paintings: “Sunset Mountain” and “Sunset Water”, preserving the beauty of the sunset for those who are returning home late at night. Six children playing musical instruments are lined on one side as a welcoming gesture, while pairs of horses with blank eyes on the shore represent the persistence and belief of the aristocrat Don Quixote, with eyes filled with the yearning for freedom.

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