项目类别:居住空间 别墅 项目地点:台湾 其他 主设计师:王胜正
POSAMO 设计团队塑造专属的奢华享受独栋别墅,台中创健望年的视听室主题墙为特殊蓝灰色珍珠鱼皮,与一旁的镜面吧台显现时尚摩登品味,让空间纯粹的米色调增添变化,而粗针织布沙发带出温暖风味,将象征东方圆满的桌几安置在中,空间看起来舒适不显厚重。
A space that enables you to escape life’s hustle 丨
This isolated and luxurious villa POSAMO team designs includes an auditorium with a theme wall designed with grey-blue stingray leather, expressing modern and fashionable tastes along with the mirror-faced bar at the side. This adds variety to the beige-toned space, while fabric sofas bring a sense of coziness. A coffee table encapsulating Eastern perfection is placed in the middle, making the space relaxed and airy.
--- Designed By Posamo 十邑设计王胜正