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RIGI.睿集设计 办公室


项目类别:办公空间  对内-管理型 项目地点:上海  长宁 主设计师:刘恺 设计单位:RIGI.睿集设计 项目面积:300㎡ 摄影师:文仲锐

Now is good, calm the mind, enjoy the moment,
There are no ordinary moments.
Life is too short, now is good, just live in the moment now, then ,when it comes to the end, just let all the moments go!

As for the case, designers, Rigidesign will adopt the concept "complex simplicity, colorful monotone" as the definition for the new office.

For the entrance reception areas, designers will use simple black lines and the hierarchy of the geometry to increase dimensional feelings. Besides, the installation of large transparent white glasses and white transparent film lamp, will on the one hand satisfy the lighting requirements, and on the other hand display the brand image of the company.

In order to eliminate stereotype of normal meeting room, the ceiling will be shaped as dome, moreover, in order to create relaxing atmosphere inside meeting room, designers will be adopt interesting geometry design for the meeting table, wood material for the floor and white color as dominate hue.
The present case is a creative park reconstructed from former garment factory, so the height of each floor is higher. Therefore, the designer intend to use transparent materials to transform parts of the ceiling so that to create a cozy and spacious office. Partial ceilings over the office will be sectioned through weaving and stacking of blocks. In result, this irregular design will increase the rhythm sensation of the space.

Large scale of soft black gray felts are used to convey a feeling of intimacy which will at the same time present rich texture layers compared with black and white wall. Meanwhile, the use of partition which is lightweight bookshelves with appropriate plants will make the office environment more relaxing, improve the comfort sensation of the space. The visual effects will be strengthened by the use of plan design elements and lighting design.
This is the designer's room which is full of joy, annoyance for a period of time and days.

刘恺关注设计的商业价值,在追求完美设计的同时, 寻求设计与商业的平衡。通过多年的实践,累积了丰富的商业品牌咨询经验。
商业成功项目包括: Hotwind(热风),JORYA,衫国演义,yoho有货,畹町 Jello, LNO,思考乐,罗德斯兰, SOIR DOLCE, 等多家知名商业连锁品牌的SI与VI策划设计。
另外, 保持对设计开放的态度,刘恺作为品牌主理人于2007年创立知名服装潮牌L-HOUSE,yoho潮流志milk等知名杂志均有宣传,在来福士直营店铺,全国重要城市均有店铺。
其设计作品《ONE IDEA 畹町家居体验店商业空间设计》获得2015年IAI金外滩最佳色彩表现奖。

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 入口

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 入口

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 前台

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 前台

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 会议室

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 会议室

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 办公区

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 办公区

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 办公区

RIGI.睿集设计 办公室 办公区

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