项目类别:居住空间 豪宅 项目地点:辽宁 鞍山 主设计师:马冰 项目经理:刘经理 设计单位:鞍山市尚品宜家装饰装修有限公司 项目面积:150 投资总额:30万 主要材料:生态木、实木橱柜、实木地板、天然理石“DURESTA”沙发等。 业主:童女士
American style to show leisurely, comfortable, natural taste of rural life in the indoor environment, and is often the use of natural wood, stone, rattan bamboo and other materials simple texture. was set up indoor green creating a natural, simple, elegant atmosphere.
American style village with a village atmosphere thick, to enjoy as the supreme principle, in the fabric, sofa leather, emphasize its comfort, cloth art is the use of elements are very important in American country style, color cotton fabric is the mainstream, natural and rustic style can perfectly coordinate.