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合正汇一城销售中心(All Love In Town Salescenter,Hezhen)


项目类别:商业空间  商业空间 项目地点:广东  深圳 主设计师:邱春瑞 设计单位:台湾大易国际设计事业有限公司 项目面积:1500平方米 投资总额:250万 主要材料:灯泡、不锈钢球、镀铬球、乒乓球、不锈钢板、石板、饰面板、灰镜 业主:合正地产 摄影师:吕荣德

The huge space,seems like a share of waves swept into it and roll up uncountable layers of wave spray under multi-pounding.Illusionary bubbles are similar to the twitterings of Mermaid Princess,leading us to the unknown underwater world.

合理有序 得宜安排
Reasonable Arrangement

For this salescenter,function of exhibition is of first importance.Furthermore,the flow of people weighs the most important point in all.The whole processing of sales including reception,exhibition(audio,model),negotiation,contract and payment,which are all fixed up reasonably and orderly by designer.

视觉冲击 大气醒目
Visual Impact

Continuously,according to the well-arranged flow of people,we separated this space into four main parts:reception hall,exhibition area,negotiation area and office.Path from gate to the reception area facing a bulky LOGO wall consisted of 10,800 stainless steel balls and 25,000 chrome-plated balls.As the main wall of oval reception hall,which highs two floors,leaves guests with powerful impact of vision.

动线规划 符合所需
In Accordance With Command

In the reception area,designer configured two sidewalks of flow of left and right as over-area connected to two zones.The path leading to the negotiation area along the flow on the right side was ready for the guests to come one more time.Path on the left got ready for the first-time consulting guests for visit and exhibition.At first,guests enter into a glass path left floating and acrossing above the pool.The water curtain falls stand respectively on the two sides generate a feeling that guests seem shuttling in an underwater channel freely.

浩瀚无际 海底世界
Vast and Borderless

Visitors for the first time after acrossing the underwater channel would reach the relaxation area and then refer to property consultation by tablets placed on the showcase.Visitors come to the entrence of audio display at next.Walls standing on the two sides were consisted of thousands of ping-pong balls.Warm yellow lighting reflected from the internal lights comforts the coming visitors.The audio display area settled into an arc-shaped semicircle was outfitted by 180-degree 3D arc-shaped screen. A model exhibition area beside it,a larger semicircle-shaped space accompanied by a large-scale jellyfish-like fiber pendant,its wall and ceiling were composed of apparent glass lights.People seem walk underwater world by the created visual sensory accurately.

晶莹泡沫 气势逼人
Wrinkling Bubbles

Step into the negotiation area consisted of 140 hundred apparent light bulbs,vision is instantly enlightened and momentum shocks people.Designer planned the complete space by using the same element-enormous crystallized glass lights integrated into the walls and ceilings of the whole space.It looks like a group of fish breathing beneath the water and twinkling bubbles floats on the surface.It also seems like stars lightening the whole universe.

动线得宜 合理划分
Reasonable divide

Entering into the negotiation area,guests could communicate with specialists sitting on sponge-shaped café decks accompanied by bright music.At bottom of the hall,there is a water bar provides drink and pastry for guests.The dividing line between the contract area and the negotiation area is very clear in order to keep the security of payment.

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