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项目类别:餐饮空间  餐厅设计 项目地点:吉林  长春 主设计师:李吉 设计单位:东北师范大学

建筑不应该仅仅被当做一栋房子它应该是对人的精神和躯体产生影响。 随着当前社会经济的高速发展,人们获得了越来越多的物质生活满足。但随之而来的人们的生活节奏日益的加快,在物质条件极大的充足的背后却是精神文化的匮乏和莫名的孤独。我们的心总是在时刻不停的悬挑在空中,无法真实的安静下来。 城市化的进步和工业文明的发展在改善我们生活的同时也使得我们远离了自然。机甲的车鸣和尾气代替了山林中的鸟语花香,我们渴望自然,渴望静静思考与期盼。
Construction should not only be treated as a house, it is the impact of human spirit and body. With the rapid development of the social economy, people get more and more material life satisfaction. But following the rhythm of people's living is speeding up, great in the material conditions it is behind the spiritual culture of adequacy of the shortage and the sense of loneliness. Suspended in the air in our heart always does not stop in time, can not be real quiet. Development of city progress and industrial
“上善若水,水善利万物而不争。”--《老子》意思是最高境界的善行就像水的品性一样,泽被万物而不争名利。 本案设计以“一方静水”为主 题,在空间中通过的水与竹,竹与山石,来试图打造一个全新的餐饮环境,混迹室内与室外见得界限,在现代城市中打造古朴的水乡风情。空间设计通过对地面、墙体和天花的设计来营造青竹慢漂,招摇与山峦之间,品水之风情。 都市的生活在慢慢的使人们变得浮躁而不安,功利心趋势下的生活使得人们越来越不安,但是他们没有闲暇的思考,更没有思考的空间,都市中冰冷的钢筋混凝土只会使得人们更加的理性和冷漠,人们唯一可以闲暇下来的时光仅仅剩下了生理必须的衣食住行。本案即使一种文化之旅也是一种精神的孤寂之旅,设计试图通过对于空间方面的探索,来使得人们沉下心灵,放下负担。
civilization in improving our life also make us away from nature. Mecha car Ming and tail gas instead of the forest in an idyllic scene, we yearn for the nature, longing for quiet reflection and expectation.
Design notes:
"As good as water, water benefits all things without struggle." "Me" - meaning is the highest good is just like the character of water, benefits all things without struggle fame. This design to a "party hydrostatic" as the theme, water and bamboo in the space, bamboo and stone, to try to build a new dining environment, occupy the indoor and outdoor necessarily limits, build plain water and customs in the modern city. Space design through the design of the ground, wall and ceiling to create a green bamboo drift between swagger and mountains, water, custom products. Urban life has become impetuous restlessly in slowly to make people, utilitarian heart under the trend of life makes people more and more uneasy, but they have no leisure thoughts, no more space to think, in the city of reinforced concrete cold will only make people more rational and cold, people can only have leisure time only the rest of the physiological need basic necessities of life. The case even if a cultural tour is a kind of spirit of the lonely journey, attempts to explore the design space, to make people sink in mind, put down the burden.

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  • 郁群评论时间:2014-09-17 16:48 很有内涵的设计,看着设计说明,在看效果图,可以给人一种心静的感觉!支持你!加油!

