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项目类别:办公空间  对外-服务型 项目地点:上海  徐汇 主设计师:贾怀南 项目经理:李琳 参与设计师:袁晓春 设计单位:上海半千舍建筑装饰设计有限公司 项目面积:100平米 投资总额:25万 主要材料:GRG增强石膏、原木地板、环氧树脂漆

设计灵感来自于水滴,“水滴虽小但能穿石”。证明再小的力量也能有大作为!所有的灵感像水滴一样滴落下来形成“海洋”。利用原有的厂房钢结构建立夹层空间,使 “偷面积”变得更有趣味,楼梯便隐藏与“水滴”当中,很好的解决了垂直交通的流线问题。使本来蹩脚的结构梁也变成了多人合用的工作台,二楼的三角“坑”也变成了设计孕育概念的“窝”。 真正变“废”为“宝”将空间的可持续利用发挥到极致!一切的一切都使工作变得乐趣无穷!

Shanghai Banqian House Architectural Decorative Design Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) Headquarters

Design thoughts description:

It is a corner of the previous Tenth Shanghai Steel Factory’s workshop. It is limited in 55 square meters and also restricted by the old building’s structure. But it still reaches the workspace requirements of 20 staffs, and successfully expresses the special creative ideas of a design company. This is the classical face of the Banqian House Design Company.

The design inspiration comes from water drop. As Chinese people always say, constant dropping wears the stone, in other words, even the tiniest power contributes the greatest success. When all the inspirations are gathered together, just like water drops create the sea. By building mezzanine space, “stealing” spaces from the old steel structure made itself an interesting work. Stairs are hidden in “water drops” and it fixes the flow problems of vertical traffic line. Basing on these designs, the original unfavorable structural beam becomes a cooperation worktable; the triangle “hole” of second floor also is transformed to a “home” of design ideas. All the “wasted” spaces have been sustainably turned into useful places, and the new working environment presents a joyful atmosphere.

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